Today I got ready to leave the house early. I wanted to cover some ground so I packed light and only took the essentials, compass, camera, sound recorder and sample bags. I headed west, the temperature and light were just right. Within the first fifteen minutes I was confronted with a bog and wet feet, I followed the animal path down to the shoreline as far as it could take me. It got quite tricky from there, a landscape I did not expect from my lookout point and map this morning. Grey black boulders surrounded me in an apocalyptic view, I was in it and had to follow the sound of the ocean to find my way out. I played tetris as I choose my steps over and down and around. Nothing but the occasional bird crossed my path. Shoreline ponds and ecosystems changed as I got nearer to the ocean, debris of shipwrecks lay hidden in the rock crevasses. I did come across a treasure while collecting some yellow moss it was, yes and to my surprise a message in a bottle from a Erik Pedersen. I put it in my backpack. I kept checking my watch as time had not moved again and nor had I.
Yellow Moss Sample
Sep 25 2013 - 9:45pm
by robyn
Sep 25 2013 - 9:45pm