Went sailing yesterday and thought about your new obsession with the ocean.

Went sailing yesterday and thought about your new obsession with the ocean.

Dec 7 2009 - 3:22pm
Dec 7 2009 - 3:22pm

Went sailing yesterday and thought about your new obsession with the ocean. I think I understand now how affects you. The lulling sound of nothingness being far away from land helpless in your ability to move or escape, your forced to recon with your thoughts emptying them away in the vast ocean. I have been watching this documentary called Into Great Silence by Phillip Groning, it’s about the Carthusian monks who take a vowel of silence. It’s a slightly frustrating watch of 164 min of silence, which makes it unbearably beautiful. The film is completely ‘silent’ except for the occasional atmospheric sounds. I have been dealing with the notion of ‘silence’ in my work of late. The idea that silence gives space to what matters, this idea seem to be shaping my paper at the moment. My point being before I drifted into my own thought process is that the ‘silence’ of the ocean allowed me that feeling. It made me think we might have take a trip to cape point during your visit and watch the two ocean’s meet it could possibly be quite poetic for both of us.