

Dec 17 2009 - 6:14pm
Dec 17 2009 - 6:14pm

Just coming up for a moment's breath after the heart-wringing business of mfa applications. Glad to have them sent off and behind me.
It makes such sense that you are looking into silence. You have a rare ability to be totally self-contained, I remember our silent walks in Paris, and our quiet studio at Wits. Have you thought about taking a vow of silence yourself, for a while? To see how it feels, if it alters things. Maybe it will strengthen your telepathic skills.
Its interesting how much fear there can be in silence, and also how much safety.
It would be so wonderful to see the oceans meet, please can we do it? And a boat trip would be so special also. I want to film and listen to the water. Its baffling how much is moving,changing, swelling in the ocean, but how it feels still and silent on the surface.