Packing up again

Packing up again

Sep 8 2010 - 2:37pm
The Stranger - Abert Camus
Sep 8 2010 - 2:37pm

It’s a strange thing moving from place to place, I’m not to sure where to call home. I have had 5 homes in the last 3 and a half years. It bugged me all day today while packing up, but I think I have come to accept my state of limbo for the next year or so. I came to this while finishing the book to gave me, I scanned in the page bellow. He recalls every object in his room. “I would remember every piece of furniture; and on every piece of furniture, every object; and of every object, all the details; and of the details themselves – a flake a crack, or a chipped edge- color and the texture”. I think of this while I sit here on my bedroom floor wrapping my objects in newspaper.