Invisible Cities and Tacita Dean

Invisible Cities and Tacita Dean

Feb 13 2013 - 10:52pm
FATIGUES (D), 2012 (DETAIL) - Tacita Dean
Feb 13 2013 - 10:52pm

I remember you quoting this book and telling me to read it, it has now fallen into my hands at the right time it seems.

“Marco Polo imagined answering (or Kublai Khan imagined his answer) that the more one was lost in unfamiliar quarters of distant cities, the more one understood the other cities he had crossed to arrive there, and he retraced the stages of his journeys, and he came to know the port from which he had set sail, and the familiar places of his youth, and the surroundings of his home, and a little square in Venice where he gamboled as a child “ (Calvino 1972:28) - Invisible cities

Sometimes it all makes sense while walking around, but as soon as I stop to write it all down, it fragments and I have to try to piece it all together again.

I thought of you again just now, while walking around the Tacita Dean show, I could picture you analysing her marks, they were beautiful Nina, so simple.

They said she returned to the blackboard after a ten year gap, our time is coming up soon. Oh and also a nice little anecdote, her new 35 mm film, JG (inspired by JG Ballard)! See here