i'm back from far away

i'm back from far away

Jun 6 2009 - 12:57am
Jun 6 2009 - 12:57am

I've been neglecting the blog, and pretty much everything in out coexisting world, for a while....apologies. I've been thinking about it alot though, promise.

The cameras look so beautiful, such neat work my clever friend! Names are hard. I think it should speak about the plight of the tourist in paris: everyone taking the same pictures of the same 6 things, oblivious to real life around them, and they're in fact only observing each other, not paris at all. And about every tourist having the exact same experience in the city - of holding their cameras to their noses. Maybe it should come with a text, instead of trying to squash it all into a name.

Here is a picture of an animation I'm working on, drawing all my paris maps. Its simple and I like it.