Jul 16 2010 - 5:10am
by nina
Jul 16 2010 - 5:10am
"Merce Cunningham performs STILLNESS (in three movements) to John Cage's composition 4'33" with Trevor Carlson, New York City, 28 April 2007"
I started with him, because I knew how much you would love it. A world renowned dancer performing through silence, stillness. His presence is palpable. His relationship with John Cage is felt in the moment, and also his comfort, his listening.
There were 5 screens as you walked up the darkened stairway, and the work was all on film, so the sound of the projectors fluttering was the loudest thing to hear. Most of the screens were large, except the last one, which hung in mid-air, floating, of only his face.
A wonder, this piece.